One quick Google search of any term related to fertility or conception and you can easily find yourself falling into the rabbit hole of The Internet. Here is a basic glossary of terms to assist you.
ART: Assisted Reproductive Technology. Fertility therapies where either eggs or embryos are manipulated (e.g. IVF).
BBT: Basal body temperature. Your core body temperature first thing in the morning before getting out of bed. Trends upwards after ovulation.
Beta HCg: human chorionic gonadotropin. The hormone tested in your urine or blood in a pregnancy test.
Cervical fluid: distinct from arousal fluid, this is fertile fluid that increases in quality and quantity as ovulation approaches and disappears after ovulation occurs. It assists the sperm in survival and movement towards the egg.
Donor (sperm/eggs/embryo): Donors can be known or anonymous. Unless specified by unique terms, the donor has no parental rights.
Ectopic pregnancy: when an embryo implants somewhere outside of the uterus.
Endometrial lining: the inner layer of your uterus that is either shed during menstruation or in which an embryo embeds in pregnancy.
Estradiol: a sex hormone primarily produced in the ovaries in females.
Follicle: the small sac in which an egg matures on the ovary.
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH): a hormone secreted by the pituitary that controls production of eggs in the ovaries.
Home Insemination: There are increasingly more products available for individuals or couples to introduce sperm into the vagina in the comfort of their own home (think modern “turkey baster”).
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG): a test in which dye is injected into the uterus to check that the reproductive tract is open and clear.
IUI: Intrauterine Insemination. Sperm is introduced directly into the uterus through a narrow catheter inserted through the cervix.
IVF: In Vitro Fertilization. A process by which eggs are retrieved from a female, sperm from a male and fertilization is supported in a lab.
Luteinizing Hormone (LH): The hormone measured in OPKs. A sharp rise in LH triggers ovulation.
OPK: Ovulation Predictor Kits. Strips that test urine for LH levels to predict if ovulation is imminent
PGT: Preimplantation Genetic Testing. A choice to be made after embryo(s) are created via IVF. Genetically abnormal embryos will be weeded out in this process.
Progesterone: important for thickening of the endometrial lining in preparation of the uterus for pregnancy.
TTC/TTC/TTA: Trying to Conceive, Trying to Avoid, Trying to Whatever (open to pregnancy, not actively trying nor avoiding for those in hetero-ish relationships)
TWW: Two Week Wait. Broadly used to describe the time from which an opportunity for conception occurred (whether via intercourse, IUI or IVF) until you are able to test for pregnancy